University of Coimbra (UC) is a reference in higher education and R&D in Portugal, due to the quality of the courses taught at its eight colleges and to the advances achieved in pure and applied research in various scientific domains and on technology related areas. UC pursues a policy of continuous improvement in several areas, ensuring high standards of teaching and research, as well as being an active participant in the development of the corporate world. The continuous technological development promoted by UC’s different R&D units addresses the challenges involved in the design, operation and regulation of technologies, bringing together teachers from different scientific disciplines with a long experience in teaching, research, technology transfer and consultancy in different areas in the context of technology. The offer in technological research makes UC an undeniable reference in R&D in Portugal, which highlights the excellence of work developed by the R&D units of UC, in particular CISUC (Centre for Informatics and Systems), CIEPQPF (Chemical Process Engineering and Forest Products Research Centre), CMUC (Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra), CQ (Centre for Chemistry of University of Coimbra), CFE (Centre for Functional Ecology) and IBILI (Institute of Biomedical Research on Light and Image), besides the Associated Laboratories: CNC (Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology), ADAI (Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics) , LIP Coimbra (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics). The University of Coimbra is in constant search for improvement and enhancement of knowledge, research and technology, contributing decisively to the improvement of science, technology and to the enhancement of knowledge through R&D collaborations dues to H2020 projects and PT2020 projects. The administrative and financial procedures regarding project implementation run in the Support Project Office of UC’S Administration, that assigns a competent member of the staff to each project with accountable and legal competencies. UC has a large and long experience in participating in European and other international projects (as well as national projects). UC stands out also on technology transfer being involved in the promotion of several initiatives, like IPN Incubator and Biocant, and in the creation of diverse technological spin-offs, as Active Space Technologies, Artscan, Crioestaminal, Critical Software, Feedzai, InfoGene, Inogate, iNovmapping, ISA Intellicare, Luzitin, Move Mile, Sensebloom, SPI and Take The Wind, amongst others.