The IMPETUS School will be held from 12 until 19 of April, 2021. Apply before 1 April and join us for gaining new experience and knowledge about collecting information on local neighbourhoods, their citizens and environment (climate changes, pollution, street climate, well being). To sum up new skills the Oxford debate will close the IMPETUS school. In May we gather for two days for GameJam to develop games based on gained knowledge and skills with support of experts from University of Klagenfurt and Graubünden University of Applied Sciences. The best game will be awarded. Register for the IMPETUS School at your local universities:

Poland, Gdansk University of Technology –
Netherlands, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences –
Netherlands, Hanze University of Applied Sciences –
Switzerland, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons –
Portugal, University of Coimbra –
Austria, University of Klagenfurt –

Theme: Overlay by Kaira