Our IMPETUS project has been finished. You are welcome to use all products we developed for you. In the folder OUTPUTs (https://impetus.aau.at/outputs/), you will find the set of tools to introduce the holistic approach to climate change issues. The result of the IMPETUS project is a holistic methodology supporting the diagnosis of urban areas and resistance to climate change. It is based on IT solutions and combines engineering, sociological, and artistic methods for collecting data on the urban environment, human well-being, and climate change effects. To introduce you to our approach, we prepared the MANUAL (https://impetus.aau.at/outputs/). 

We encourage you to log at the climatescan database to share the collected data or learn about other projects (www.climatescan.nl), use the IMPETUS application with measurement procedures (https://impetus.climatescan.org/) to make fieldwork easy, and start monitoring your neighborhood environment and human well-being. 

For teachers, we developed a set of teaching guidelines (https://impetus.aau.at/outputs/), and for students, the game (https://impetus.aau.at/climatecafe-the-game/) to make learning more enjoyable. 

If you enjoy our products, we will be grateful for IMPETUS promotion and use this leaflet to inform other interested people.

You are also welcome to join ClimateCafe society (https://climatecafe.nl/) and participate in local events or organize them in your city.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira