All good things come to an end … but you still can participate

All good things come to an end … but you still can participate

Our IMPETUS project has been finished. You are welcome to use all products we developed for you. In the folder OUTPUTs (, you will find the set of tools to introduce the holistic approach to climate change issues. The result of the IMPETUS project is a holistic methodology supporting the diagnosis of urban areas and resistance to climate change. It is based on IT solutions and combines engineering, sociological, and artistic methods for collecting data on the urban environment, human well-being, and climate change effects. To introduce you to our approach, we prepared the MANUAL ( 

We encourage you to log at the climatescan database to share the collected data or learn about other projects (, use the IMPETUS application with measurement procedures ( to make fieldwork easy, and start monitoring your neighborhood environment and human well-being. 

For teachers, we developed a set of teaching guidelines (, and for students, the game ( to make learning more enjoyable. 

If you enjoy our products, we will be grateful for IMPETUS promotion and use this leaflet to inform other interested people.

You are also welcome to join ClimateCafe society ( and participate in local events or organize them in your city.

Multiplier Event at HUAS

Multiplier Event at HUAS

This event is organized to create awareness and to inform different public, private and academic organizations about the outcome of the project. Attendees where municipalities and water authorities from Groningen area. We presented tools from IMPETUS as Climatescan tool showing best management practices from the other cities that are involved in the project. We presented the results of the ClimateCafe Groningen including the video:…/climatecafe-impetus-4-9th…

Multiplier Event at CU

Multiplier Event at CU

This event, in Portuguese (native language), took the form of a Seminar entitled “Ecossistema Urbano: Consciência e Adaptabilidade” (Urban ecosystem: Awareness and Adaptability); speaker: Isabel Pedroso de Lima. The seminar duration was 2 hours, and took place at the Secondary School “Escola Secundária D. Dinis”, located in Eiras. There was a total of 64 attendees (national participants), among teachers and students.

Multiple Event in Gdańsk Tech

Multiple Event in Gdańsk Tech

On 15 th of December Gdansk Tech organized the Multiple Event to present the outputs of the project. The ME was organized as the hybrid event. The presentation started with the introduction lecture to explain the project and the background and goals as well to give the overview of all outcomes. The database and the app were presented and guests encourage to log on both ones.

After the introduction lecture all guests were invited for a short break and then divided into five groups to present five different tools by the authors or invited presenters (students). All groups had the opportunity to get familiar with all ones.

How to measure water pollution

How to measure water pollution

How to measure water pollution or check the degree of adaptation of streets to climate change and what is a cognitive or narrative map and how to use them to raise public awareness of the state of urbanized areas at the level of the nearest neighborhood? We will answer these and other questions during our meeting at the Gdańsk University of Technology on 15th of Dec.Start 11.00

Register via the link

The Score card

The Score card

ne of the tools developed is a Scorecard System to Assess Adaptation Measures and Score Ecosystem Services at the Street Level. The scorecard proved to be very useful in the adaptation labeling of street segments and entire streets. After assessing a neighborhood, the least adaptive streets can be identified relatively easy. Based on the score a label can be given between A+++ and G

More: The Environment in the Lead: A Scorecard System to Assess Adaptation Measures and Score Ecosystem Services at the Street Level by Rick Heikoop ,Aniss Idahmanen, Pascal de Ruiter, Elma Oosthoek, Angela van der Heijden, and Floris Boogaard

The picture presents the visualization of the labels of Gdańsk streets

Theme: Overlay by Kaira